
15 January 2016
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15 January 2016, Comments: Comments Off on Auditions

Auditions for our Easter Showcase

Shortly we will be releasing details of our Easter show and the obligatory auditions.
This is always such an exciting time at the school, the expectation, the anticipation and the exhilaration of the curtain call.

For any actor of any age auditions can be a stressful experience, so I thought I would put together an information pack for parents who have children that might be thinking of “trying out’ for a part.

Firstly its important to remind all students that if they attend the school that they will be involved in the show – The ensemble numbers are an important and essential part of the show and we rate their contribution to the show as much as a “principal character”

Here at the Wolfe Stage School we use auditions to find what we consider the right child for the right role, to make sure that no student is left “exposed” in a part that is too challenging for them and make them appear foolish.

As far as possible we strive to ensure that time spent in our school is a positive experience. We pride ourselves on getting to know the children and assessing their strengths and weaknesses so they that can achieve their full potential.
You could say that every class you take is part of an audition and from the moment you join our team we are actively encouraging your progress and taking notice of everything you do in class; How quickly you learn your lines, how often you attend class, how you relate to other children and how you respond to problems and challenges ……

We ask parents to trust us in the decisions we make and to know that we have the best interests of each child at heart.
I am always proud to say that the support we receive from parents is indicative of the wonderful children we have in the school.

It is important to stress to potential auditionees that sometimes an audition is not necessarily a measure of talent, the role can be cast dependant on height, age, hair colour or who you may be playing against. It can depend on who is available for the rehearsals and sometimes it could be as stupid as who can fit into the costume or set piece we have acquired!!

Being part of the creative process also takes luck – sometimes things don’t go your way on the day of the audition or even the night of the show – this is all part of the creative learning process.I will always encourage students to put our Easter shows in context. Yes, the show can be perceived as a high point of the year, but it is important not to place too much emphasis on a school play – we do a minimum of two performances every year, there will always be other opportunities for you to shine on stage. We don’t spend all our class time in preparation for the Easter show because it is only a part of what we do – a bonus, if you like

It is my recommendation that candidates should only put themselves forward for a role if they are prepared for rejection and can handle this rejection with emotional maturity, children prone to tears should not put themselves through this stressful event. Its not worth it – after all it is only a school play. The Easter Show is always script focused so those who find reading uncomfortable will be better suited to Improvised work done within class.

When a student is disappointed that they aren’t cast in a role they “had their hearts set on” I often use this advice – You can allow yourself to do two things ; get angry and quit or use that anger as fuel to show the teachers that they made a mistake and that you deserve another chance next year. Use your disappointment and frustration as fuel for making your ensemble work the best that it can be. Remember that everyone gets a speaking role in our November showcases and there are no auditions for that.

We live in a high speed world where the focus is often put on speed, on access to everything now – Working within the creative arts takes patience. Being a performer is about learning to pace yourself and knowing that your chance to show the world will come around. Having a principal role one year and not another is not a failure or sign that the work you completed last year wasn’t good enough. Continual rejection is not a sign that you aren’t good enough. Winners of the X factor were often rejected within the first round of previous years shows. You must except what has happened move on and begin again.

Lastly remember like all competitions that you can often be outclassed by people who have more experience and perhaps more talent – if you feel your lack of experience is getting in your way, train harder, join the Wolfe Pack where there are no auditions, work hard in class and enjoy the journey.
I hope these words may make your preparations a little easier and help you to understand the intricate nature of auditions and the maturity they require – I wish those auditioning the best of luck but most of allI hope the experience of being on stage for everyone is enjoyable!

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